Water meters, heat meters and radio remote reading systems, smart meters.
Wireless solutions IOT: radio applications.

G2 Colombia


G2 misuratori S.r.l. (Sole shareholder company)

Registered Office:
Via San Martino, 38
14100 - Asti (AT) - Italy
Cap. sociale euro 828.000 i.v.
Codice fiscale, Partita IVA e Registro delle Imprese CCIAA di Asti n. 01187310055


Headquarters and factory:
Strada Alessandria, 50 A/B
14049 - Nizza Monferrato (AT) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0141 721787
Fax +39 0141 702280


Secondary plant:
Strada Alessandria, 50 E
14049 - Nizza Monferrato (AT) - Italy


Branch office for Italy Centre Sud Area:
Via Fontanelle, 3
00020 - Riofreddo  (RM) - Italy
Tel. e Fax +39 0774 920216
Cell.: +39 338 7970099


G2 Misuratori Colombia:

 Calle 145 B No. 46 - 39 P2

Tel:  318 2705338

E-mail: info@g2colombia.com.co

website: www.g2misuratori.it

Bogotá D.C. - COLOMBIA

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